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Patagonia vs Fast Fashion – Leaders in comparison

Who is behind Patagonia? And Shein? What about Uniqlo, Zara, H&M, Primark?

The latest decision of the founder Chouinard leads to reflect on who is behind the most well-known clothing companies with missions other than the brand in the outdoor sector. Yvon Chouinard and family have transferred the ownership of the Patagonia brand, worth about 3 billion euros, to an NGO.

The news is not surprising: for some time Chouinard told of his different idea of capitalism. Patagonia once again proves to be a brand with a long-term and credible sustainability plan.

“You’ve got to reinvent capitalism altogether. It leads to a whole bunch of poor people and a few extremely rich people. Ultimately, capitalism is going to lose its customers.”

Yvon Chouinard, October 2019 (Fast Company)

We make choices with our purchases. If you want to know a little more about the best known fast fashion companies, we have analysed the net worth of the founders, the turnover and mission of different brands. You can find it below.

One of the brands has even put sustainability in its mission. Is it as credible as Patagonia? Why?

(Data source: Bloomberg, Forbes, Annual Report)




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