• Fashion/Moda

    The future of fashion: sustainability and potential developments that may shape the sector

    We cannot predict the future with certainty, especially in this context perceived after the pandemic as increasingly unpredictable, but I can give you some insights based on current trends and predictions. Here are some potential developments that may shape the future of fashion:   1. Sustainable fashion There is a growing awareness of the environmental impact of the fashion industry, and consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable and ethical practices from fashion brands. This trend is likely to continue, and we may see more brands adopting sustainable practices, using eco-friendly materials, and implementing circular economy principles. 2. Technology and innovation Technology is changing the way we shop, design, and produce fashion. We…

  • Fashion/Moda

    Moda e Intelligenza Artificiale: (r)esisteranno i personal shopper?

    (Italiano/English) Si parla spesso di intelligenza artificiale e della preoccupazione per la perdita di lavoro da parte di milioni di persone in seguito alla sua diffusione. Un recente studio realizzato dalla società di consulenza PwC mostra che per esempio in Gran Bretagna il 30% delle professioni sono a rischio, incluse quelle nei settori della grande distribuzione e della vendita all’ingrosso.