The fashion of reuse enchants Frasso Sabino: the most awaited upcycling show
Frasso Sabino, a charming village in the province of Rieti, once again hosted an event that blends creativity and sustainability: the fashion show featuring outfits made from recycled materials. This annual event is not only a celebration of creativity but also a powerful ecological message: nothing is thrown away, nothing is wasted. Every year, Frasso Sabino welcomes us with a setting carefully decorated with reused scrap materials by the Pro Loco Frasso, helped by friends and volunteers. This year, the wind-swept fabric scraps, a textile monument reminiscent of the “Venus of the Rags,” mannequin chandeliers, and wardrobes serving as doors strongly emphasize the theme of sustainable fashion. In the picturesque…
10 anni di Sfilata Frasso: la moda sostenibile all’insegna dell’upcycling
Sfilata Frasso, the fashion event that raises awareness of the recovery of materials leaving the jaw open for the creativity of its participants, celebrates ten years. Also this year we were at the fashion show in the suggestive Frasso Sabino, for the occasion set up with recycled materials by the Pro Loco Frasso with the collaboration of the community, friends, volunteers and inhabitants of neighboring municipalities. Viviana Rapisarda of Radio Company was presenting the event, with the participation of the dancer Simona Borghese. Eleven dresses competing this year, examples of how to create fashion thanks to upcycling, dexterity and imagination. It wasn’t easy being on the jury and choosing the…
The upcycling fashion show under the stars of Frasso Sabino
With the upcycling of the most diverse materials, the ecological dresses walk the catwalk in Frasso Sabino (province of Rieti). An unmissable appointment. Every year the creativity of recycling designers shows how it is possible to look at what we would otherwise throw away as waste with different eyes. The clothes parade through the streets of the small village under a clear sky, among the tables arranged for the occasion. In the jury, we observe them one by one to evaluate the complexity of the realization, the recycling of materials, the originality, the creative commitment. In the meantime, a special dinner cooked in a pot and without meat is served.…
SfilataFrasso: 9 ecological fashion dresses on the catwalk
A magical evening in the charming village of Frasso Sabino (RI). After the absence in 2020, SfilataFrasso Moda e Riciclo is back in a special version: with a limited number of spectators, in compliance with the Covid-19 legislation, during a dinner within the walls of the Castle the models paraded along the streets of the town. Sfilata Frasso is an eco-fashion event, created to raise awareness in the local community on the theme of separate waste collection. Creative designers participate by proposing clothes made by recovering materials to be thrown away. Not just a more sustainable fashion show, but in the squares and streets of the town the local community creates…
The designers who transform waste into beauty: in Frasso Sabino the ecological fashion event!
Italiano/English below pictures Puoi ascoltare qui l’articolo: Audio-à-porter – I designer che trasformano i rifiuti La piazza del Belvedere di Frasso Sabino, un borgo medioevale in provincia di Rieti, ospita dal 2013 un’ecologica sfilata di moda in cui designer e stilisti trasformano i rifiuti in bellezza. In questi anni oltre 150 abiti, realizzati esclusivamente con materiali di scarto e rifiuti, si sono sfidati in una gara di moda ecologica. Incarti di uova di pasqua, rifiuti ospedalieri, ombrelli rotti, tovagliette usa-e-getta, vecchie pellicole cinematografiche, bottiglie di plastica, buste di carta, tovaglie da pizzeria, pluriball, asciugamani in tessuto non tessuto, antiscivolo per tappeti: sono solo alcuni dei materiali impiegati dai designer per gli abiti presentati.…
Dagli angoli dimenticati degli armadi al tappeto rosso!
Italiano/English A Formigine , in provincia di Modena, si è svolta il 16 settembre scorso una sfilata di beneficenza in cui abiti donati dalla cittadinanza hanno avuto un momento di celebrità, indossati dai volontari sul tappeto rosso disteso nella piazza principale. Vestiti usati che tornano a vivere uscendo dagli armadi dopo essere stati adocchiati dagli spettatori e grazie anche agli affezionati clienti del Charity Shop in via dei Servi a Modena che si occupa della vendita di questi capi.