• Companies / Aziende,  Fashion/Moda

    From observers to participants: Consumer involvement in sustainable fashion

    Consumer demand plays a significant role in driving sustainable practices in fashion. We are not simple observers but we participate in the transformation of the sector. By understanding consumer preferences, values, and purchasing behaviors, fashion brands can tailor their strategies to meet the growing demand for ethical and eco-friendly products and influence purchasing choices. Making known the importance of sustainable fashion is crucial for driving behavior change. Brands should engage proactively, sharing information on the environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry and providing guidance on how to make informed purchasing decisions. Additionally, we expect them to inspire and empower consumers to support ethical and sustainable practices. Educating Consumers…

  • Environment/Ambiente,  Nature

    Reading tips: books for traveling between nature, environment, sustainability and fashion

    We have created a guide in which we tell about personally read books on nature and ecology. It is not just about texts that concerns sustainable fashion. Why the choice to offer readings on the broader themes of the environment and sustainability? Because there is a strong link between the journey towards a greener and more ethical way of dressing and the awareness of our relationship with nature. In fact, we more easily respect what we know. The readings we suggest concern texts that push us to make contact with the animal and plant world, to look inside our lives by relating to the environment, to find the strength to…

  • Climate change,  Dress ECOde’s lifestyle,  Environment/Ambiente,  Events,  Nature,  Vita da Dress ECOde

    Dress ECOde’s lifestyle: 20 books to inspire boys and girls to love nature

    Italiano/English below  Puoi ascoltare qui l’articolo: 20-libri-per-ragazzi É da un po’ di tempo che desidero scrivere questo articolo, rimandando a un (breve) momento di riposo festivo, finalmente trovato! In novembre l’Istituto di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore G. Curcio di Ispica (Ragusa), mi ha accolto calorosamente per ascoltare la storia della spedizione per ripulire le coste norvegesi dai rifiuti, proprio dove è stata ritrovata la balena del documentario di Sky24 A plastic whale. Più di 100 alunni presenti all’incontro! Aspettavamo meno classi, ma man mano che si spargeva nei corridoi la notizia del racconto di questa balena, si aggiungevano ragazzi interessati. E c’è anche chi ha voluto sapere riguardo la moda sostenibile!…